
AI, Web3 & New Tech Implementation

Innovative approaches for engaging with your audience through the potential of Web3, AI, AR, and the Metaverse. We pioneer success and drive results in this ever-evolving digital landscape.


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Here, you'll discover a comprehensive overview of our core Web3 & New Tech Implementation services. However, beyond this list, we've also developed tailored solutions for numerous clients. If your specific needs aren't explicitly outlined here, we encourage you to reach out to us, we're committed to crafting a personalized solution to meet your unique requirements.

360 Web3 Marketing
  • Content creation 
  • Social media management 
  • Community management & engagement 
  • Performance marketing & campaigns (check out our Digital Marketing service page for more info) 
  • Growth marketing 
  • Event management
  • Partnership with Web3 search engine: Brave
Token Marketing
  • Tokenomics 
  • Strategic fundraising 
  • ICO & TGE campaigns
Smart Contracts & NFTs
  • Smart contract builds 
  • NFT generation & series creation 
  • NFT launches
Experiences & Events
  • Check out our Events & Experiences service page for more info

  • Metaverse Academy (check out our Education service page for more info)
  • Add gaming elements to your consumer engagement strategy for a more immersive user experience

AI & Chatbot Integration
  • AI tool implementation & education
  • Fully customizable appearance
  • We can train the AI chatbot on any subject, including you!

Custom AR Livestream Integration
  • A great feature for any event, to maximize participant engagement


  • White label wallet & NFT storage
  • NFT minting site 
  • DApps
  • Metaverse spaces on, Decentraland, Sandbox, OnCyber (check out our Metaverse Builds service page for more info)
  • AI enabled avatars


Kuble acquired this parcel in 2021, the same year we hosted Decentraland’s first rave & scavenger hunt in this space. Here, we’re currently showcasing Credit Suisse’s underwater scene - a philanthropic initiative to help cleanup the oceans, raising awareness through gamification.

Our Decentraland addresses: 23, -140 & -55, -140




Educating your team on these technologies is crucial to stay ahead of the curve, enhance consumer engagement, unleash innovation and agility, attract and retain top talent, and prepare for the future of work.

By investing in your team's knowledge and skills, you are investing in the future of your organization and positioning it for success in the digital age.

Check out our current live courses for teams:


Migros, SportXX, AXA, Lalique, Helvetia, SUVA, FH Bern, Medicongress, Hotelplan, Julius Bär, Swiss Life, UBS, Credit Suisse, Bayer, SBB, GLP, ZHAW, UBS, Credit Suisse, PET Recycling, Endress & Hauser, FHGR, Flughafen Zürich, HWZ.


  • White label wallet & NFT storage
  • NFT minting site 
  • DApps
  • Metaverse spaces on, Decentraland, Sandbox, OnCyber (check out our Metaverse Builds service page for more info)
  • AI enabled avatars

/ Partners
Deutsche Bank
ETH Zurich
Grand Hotel Kronenhof Pontresina
Digital Marketing
Schenker Storen
Swiss Krono Lucerne
Swiss Life
20 Minuten
Allianz Cinema
Bank Avera
Bank Zimmerberg
Digital Marketing
Ragiobank Mannedorf
Metaverse & WEB3
Credit Suisse
Enterprise Ethereum Alliance
Flughafen Zurich
House of Satoshi
Julius Bar
VP Bank
PET Recycling
Metaverse & WEB3
Universitats Spital Zurich
/ Case Studies

AI, Web3 & New Tech Implementation

Innovative solutions to engage with your target audience.

AI, WEB3 & New Tech Implementation
AI, WEB3 & New Tech Implementation
AI, WEB3 & New Tech Implementation
/ Case Studies

PROXEUS: token launch awareness and growth campaign

Client: Proxeus

Challenge: PROXEUS, a leading blockchain solution provider, faced the significant challenge of launching successful Initial Coin Offerings (ICO), Token Generation Events (TGE), and promoting their token effectively in a highly competitive crypto landscape. They sought a strategic digital marketing partner to drive awareness, engagement, and investments into their token offerings.

Solution: Kuble, a proficient digital marketing agency, rose to the challenge and implemented a strategic and holistic approach to achieve the desired outcomes for PROXEUS.

Strategic Planning:

  • Conducted in-depth market analysis and competitor research to tailor a comprehensive strategy for the ICO, TGE, and token marketing campaigns.

ICO & TGE Execution:

  • Orchestrated and managed the successful ICO and TGE, ensuring seamless processes, secure transactions, and compliance with regulations.

Token Awareness Campaigns:

  • Developed and executed extensive token awareness campaigns, utilizing a mix of digital marketing channels including social media, targeted advertising, content marketing, and influencer partnerships to reach a broad and relevant audience.

Engagement & Community Building:

  • Actively engaged with the crypto community through social media platforms, forums, and industry events, fostering a strong and enthusiastic community around the PROXEUS token.

Education & Information Dissemination:

  • Created educational content to inform potential investors about the intricacies of the token, its benefits, and the technology behind it. This empowered investors to make informed decisions.


  • Successful Fundraising: Kuble's strategic marketing efforts played a pivotal role in attracting a significant number of investors, leading to a successful ICO and TGE for PROXEUS, raising substantial funds for their blockchain projects.
  • Increased Token Value: Through targeted marketing and community engagement, Kuble successfully contributed to driving up the value and demand for the PROXEUS token in the market.
  • Growing Community: Kuble's community engagement efforts resulted in a substantial increase in the PROXEUS community, building a network of passionate supporters and potential users.

Conclusion: Kuble's strategic planning, execution, and targeted marketing campaigns demonstrated their proficiency in token marketing. Through a comprehensive approach encompassing ICO, TGE, and ongoing token awareness efforts, Kuble played a pivotal role in the success of PROXEUS, showcasing the agency's ability to drive awareness and engagement in the highly competitive world of cryptocurrency. Their expertise in blockchain marketing continues to be a significant asset for projects seeking to thrive and succeed in the crypto landscape.

/ Case Studies

Kuble Christmas Advent Calendar: a philanthropic NFT initiative

Kuble Initiative: Kuble Advent Calendar

Challenge: In the spirit of giving during the Christmas season, Kuble, a forward-thinking digital marketing agency, sought to create a unique and impactful way to engage the community while contributing to a meaningful cause. The challenge was to design an innovative and interactive initiative that merged the essence of Christmas, NFTs, and philanthropy seamlessly.

Solution: Kuble devised a multifaceted approach to bring this concept to life, leveraging NFT creation and marketing in an innovative and engaging manner.


  • Conceptualized the Kuble Advent Calendar, a digital representation of the traditional advent calendar, where each day leading up to Christmas, a new NFT would be revealed, fostering excitement and anticipation within the community.

NFT Creation:

  • Crafted a diverse array of NFTs, ensuring each day's NFT was unique, engaging, and tied to the festive season. These NFTs ranged from digital art to interactive experiences, aligning with the holiday theme.

Custom Minting Site:

  • Developed a custom minting site, streamlining the process of minting and managing the NFTs associated with the Advent Calendar. The site allowed for seamless access and engagement with the NFTs.

Virtual Christmas Environment:

  • Created an interactive Christmas-themed environment in Spatial, providing a virtual space where the daily rotating NFTs were displayed based on the date, adding an immersive and enjoyable dimension to the initiative.

Charitable Component:

  • Aligned the initiative with a charitable cause, donating the proceeds from the NFT sales to, reinforcing the spirit of giving during the holiday season.


  • Community Engagement: The Kuble Advent Calendar garnered significant attention and engagement within the community, fostering excitement and participation as each day revealed a new, enticing NFT.
  • Philanthropic Impact: The charitable aspect of the initiative further heightened its success, allowing Kuble to contribute to, making a positive difference during the holiday season.
  • Innovative Approach: The use of NFTs in a Christmas-themed initiative demonstrated Kuble's ability to merge creativity, technology, and philanthropy, showcasing an innovative and novel approach to engaging the community.

Conclusion: Kuble's Christmas Advent Calendar was a resounding success, showcasing the agency's capability to infuse innovation, technology, and a spirit of giving into a unique NFT creation and marketing initiative. The project illustrated the potential of NFTs to create engaging experiences while contributing to charitable causes. Kuble's expertise in leveraging NFTs for meaningful campaigns was instrumental in achieving a successful and impactful outcome during the festive season.

/ Case Studies

YouHodler: NFT creation, launch and marketing in Decentraland

Client: YouHodler

Services Provided: NFT Design, Minting, and Open Marketplace Strategy

Challenge: YouHodler, a prominent player in the cryptocurrency lending sphere, aimed to leverage the rising wave of NFTs to enhance brand engagement and loyalty. The challenge was to create captivating NFTs that align with YouHodler's brand identity and resonate with the cryptocurrency community.

Solution: Kuble, a leading digital marketing agency well-versed in NFT strategies, devised a tailored approach to NFT creation and marketing for YouHodler.

NFT Design:

  • Collaborated with YouHodler to design distinctive and aesthetically appealing NFTs, including the creation of logo-based NFTs and wearables.

Minting on Decentraland:

  • Minted the designed NFTs on Decentraland, a prominent virtual reality platform, ensuring a seamless integration of YouHodler's brand into the metaverse.

Optimizing for the Open Marketplace:

  • Positioned the minted NFTs strategically on the open marketplace, maximizing visibility and accessibility to potential collectors and enthusiasts.


  • Enhanced Brand Engagement: YouHodler's NFTs garnered significant attention within the cryptocurrency community, enhancing brand engagement and fostering a sense of exclusivity among the audience.
  • Increased Visibility in the Metaverse: Minting and showcasing NFTs within Decentraland provided YouHodler with an effective means to establish a strong presence in the metaverse, a growing hub for cryptocurrency enthusiasts.
  • Successful Integration with the Open Marketplace: By strategically positioning the NFTs on the open marketplace, Kuble facilitated YouHodler in tapping into a broader audience and potential collectors.

Conclusion: Kuble's NFT creation and marketing services successfully propelled YouHodler into the burgeoning realm of NFTs. The collaboration highlighted Kuble's proficiency in not only designing captivating NFTs but also strategically positioning them within the metaverse and the open marketplace. The project showcased the potential of NFTs in elevating brand engagement and establishing a unique brand identity within the cryptocurrency space. Kuble's expertise in NFT strategies played a vital role in driving the success of YouHodler's venture into the NFT ecosystem.

/ Case Studies

Relai: 360 brand awareness campaign

Client: Relai

Services Provided: Content Creation, Display Ads on Brave, Influencer Marketing, Live Streams, Community Building

Challenge: Relai, a pioneer in the cryptocurrency investment space, aimed to amplify its brand awareness, drive user engagement, and ultimately increase app downloads. The challenge was to penetrate a competitive market and position Relai as a trusted platform for cryptocurrency investments.

Solution: Kuble, an innovative digital marketing agency, devised a strategic 360 Web3 Marketing approach tailored to Relai's requirements.

Compelling Content Creation:

  • Created engaging and informative content that showcased Relai's unique value proposition, simplifying cryptocurrency investments for a broader audience.

Strategic Display Ads on Brave:

  • Leveraged the Brave browser's privacy-focused advertising platform to reach a tech-savvy audience interested in cryptocurrencies, maximizing visibility for Relai.

Influencer Marketing Campaigns:

  • Collaborated with relevant influencers in the cryptocurrency and finance niche to promote Relai, tapping into their dedicated followers and enhancing brand credibility.

Engaging Live Streams:

  • Hosted live streams to provide real-time insights, tips, and updates on cryptocurrency investments, fostering interaction and engagement with the audience.

Building a Vibrant Community:

  • Implemented community-building strategies to create a sense of belonging and engagement among cryptocurrency enthusiasts, promoting discussions and knowledge sharing.


  • Enhanced Brand Awareness: Kuble's targeted content creation and influencer marketing significantly bolstered Relai's brand visibility within the cryptocurrency market.
  • Optimized User Acquisition: Strategic display ads on Brave effectively directed potential users to download the Relai app, improving user acquisition and conversion rates.
  • Increased Engagement: Engaging live streams and active community engagement contributed to a substantial increase in user interactions and overall engagement.

Conclusion: Kuble's 360 Web3 Marketing services successfully propelled Relai's brand awareness and user engagement within the competitive cryptocurrency investment landscape. By harnessing the power of content creation, strategic display ads, influencer partnerships, live streams, and community building, Kuble demonstrated its expertise in navigating the dynamic and evolving realm of Web3. The collaboration between Kuble and Relai showcased the potential of a holistic marketing approach in achieving a surge in brand recognition, user acquisition, and engagement in the rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrencies.

/ Case Studies

ArtMeta: 360 Web3 marketing services

Client: ArtMeta

Services: Strategy, Branding, Website Development, Content Creation & Social Media Marketing, Community Building, Event Planning & Execution, Partner Relations, ICO Campaign & Token Launch, POAP Creation, NFT Launches

Challenge: ArtMeta, an emerging player in the metaverse, sought to solidify its brand presence, engage a broader audience, and successfully launch their ICO campaign and subsequent token on multiple exchanges. They needed a comprehensive strategy that would encompass branding, digital presence, community engagement, and a successful token launch.

Solution: Kuble, a dynamic digital marketing agency, tailored a 360 Web3 Marketing strategy to address ArtMeta's specific needs.

Comprehensive Rebranding:

  • Conducted an in-depth analysis and executed a comprehensive company rebrand, crafting a new logo, brand guidelines, and style guide to ensure a cohesive and modern brand identity.

State-of-the-Art Website:

  • Designed and developed a cutting-edge website, providing ArtMeta with a professional online platform that mirrored their innovative approach and showcased their offerings effectively.

Strategic Fundraising and Token Launch:

  • Orchestrated a highly successful Initial DEX Offering (IDO) campaign, securing $500K USD for ArtMeta.
  • Coordinated a Token Generation Event (TGE) on three prominent exchanges, ensuring widespread availability of ArtMeta's tokens.

Robust Social Media Growth:

  • Amplified ArtMeta's social media presence by increasing their following from 3K to an impressive 24K, establishing a stronger online community and fostering engagement.

Event Planning and Execution:

  • Meticulously organized and marketed ArtMeta’s flagship event, featuring 7 company partners, resulting in substantial press coverage reaching a broad audience base of 189 million, with 400+ articles published.

Leveraging Livestreams for Engagement:

  • Led the marketing and presentation efforts for ArtMeta’s inaugural live stream, attracting 4000 RSVPs and boosting engagement.


  • Holistic Brand Transformation: The comprehensive rebranding exercise successfully transformed ArtMeta's brand identity, positioning them as a modern and professional entity in the metaverse space.
  • Fundraising Triumph: Through the well-executed IDO campaign and TGE, Kuble helped ArtMeta secure substantial funding to advance their projects and initiatives.
  • Increased Visibility and Engagement: A robust social media strategy significantly augmented ArtMeta’s online presence, enabling them to engage a larger and more diverse audience.
  • Event Success: The expertly organized event garnered extensive press coverage and high audience engagement, amplifying ArtMeta's visibility within the metaverse sphere.

Conclusion: Kuble's 360 Web3 Marketing services empowered ArtMeta to achieve a remarkable transformation, encompassing branding, online presence, community engagement, and fundraising efforts. The successful execution of the ICO campaign and token launch, coupled with the comprehensive rebranding and event successes, demonstrated the strength of a tailored, holistic approach in navigating the dynamic and evolving world of Web3. Kuble's expertise and strategic insights were instrumental in propelling ArtMeta toward success in the metaverse.

"At HubMaker Labs, the team behind the Catalyze platform, we truly enjoy our collaboration with Kuble AG. Their outstanding expertise in Web3 marketing has been invaluable, guiding us in both the creation and execution of our marketing plans. With Kuble's support, we've reached new heights as a team and significantly enhanced our product's visibility and impact."

Johann Hartmann
Johann Hartmann
COO, Catalyze

"Partnering with Kuble AG represents a significant enhancement to our program. Their support and proven Go-to-Market expertise are pivotal as we continue to cultivate startups into thriving businesses that are at the forefront of Web3."

Janis Aguilar
Janis Aguilar
Head of Acceleration Program, Switzerland, CV VC

“In addition to their professional digital skills, we also value their Bitcoin & crypto expertise, which means that they understand us and our business 100%. Let’s rock!”

Julian Liniger
Julian Liniger
CEO, Relai

The latest on the
Metaverse Academy.


Innovative solutions to engage with your target audience.

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