Pokert (poke, retweet): poineering social media events

Kuble Initiative

Challenge: Kuble embarked on an extraordinary decade-long journey from 2010 to 2020, tasked with planning and executing 15 pioneering social media parties for Pokert (poke, retweet) in Zurich. The challenge was to not only create engaging events integrating social media, live streaming, and product launches but also to involve Switzerland's thought leaders, presenting the latest developments in their respective fields.

Solution: Leveraging its comprehensive event organization capabilities, Kuble meticulously planned and executed the Pokert (poke, retweet) events. Each event was designed to be an immersive experience, blending the power of social media, live streaming, product launches, and insights from Switzerland's thought leaders.

Strategic Planning and Conceptualization:

  • Conducted thorough strategic planning sessions to align event objectives with client goals, incorporating the involvement of thought leaders.
  • Conceptualized engaging event formats that seamlessly integrated social media, live streaming, and product launches while featuring thought leaders and their insights.

Engaging Social Media Parties with Thought Leaders:

  • Orchestrated 15 vibrant social media parties with an average of 300 attendees per event, where Switzerland's thought leaders were an integral part.
  • Integrated thought leaders to present the latest developments in their fields, sparking meaningful discussions and networking opportunities.

Showcasing Innovative Solutions:

  • Utilized the events as a platform to promote Kuble's innovative social media livestreaming commentary solution, captivating the audience with interactive experiences.
  • Introduced new tech product launches over the years, leveraging the engaged audience and insights from thought leaders to generate excitement and interest.


  • Successful Event Series with Thought Leaders: The series of 15 Pokert (poke, retweet) social media parties featuring Switzerland's thought leaders were a resounding success, demonstrating Kuble's ability to create engaging events while integrating expert insights.
  • Amplified Brand Visibility: The events significantly elevated Kuble's brand visibility, positioning the agency as an innovative thought leader in the digital marketing space.
  • Technology Showcase and Expert Insights: The events effectively showcased Kuble's cutting-edge social media livestreaming commentary solution and introduced new tech products, complemented by thought leaders presenting the latest advancements in their respective fields.

Conclusion: Kuble's remarkable decade-long journey of planning and executing 15 Pokert (poke, retweet) social media parties, featuring Switzerland's thought leaders, stands as a testament to our exceptional event organization capabilities. By seamlessly integrating social media, live streaming, product launches, and expert insights, we created immersive events that captivated the audience and propelled Kuble to the forefront of the digital marketing landscape. The success of these events showcased our commitment to innovation, thought leadership, and delivering impactful, technology-driven experiences.